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Discover Autonomous Agro Machines

Autonomous and intelligent machines for precision agriculture

About us

Autonomous Agro Machines (AutoAgroMachines) or autonomous and intelligent machines for agriculture in general, both for large and small rural producers who plant nursery seedlings or forestry.

 AutoAgroMachines is a company focused on building intelligent and autonomous machines for:

Planting nursery seedlings (forests and other crops) – Forest.Bot (Patent Pending);

Intelligent optical irrigation;

Intelligent point-to-point fertilization;

Fight pests using AI;

– Forest or planting inventory;

Analysis of the health of the forest or plantation.

What can we plant with our patented planting system (patent pending)? Nursery seedlings (trees, MPB sugar cane, orange, coffee, açaí, avocado, etc.) and using the same technological platform as Forest.Bot (Patent Pending), we will build machines for: optical irrigation, point-to-point fertilization, combating pests, plantation or forest inventory, plantation or forest health.

All processes carried out by our machines are georeferenced and with quality control using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).

Our systems have been optimized to achieve superior execution performance compared to current “smart machines” and are aimed at reaching a level of 100% automation, that is, without human interference.

We have updated our patent in 153 countries and we are working to meet the schedule below:

Start of assembly of the new Forest.Bot V9R3 (Patent Pending): February/2023.

Assembly completion: July/2023.

Start of operational machine testing: August/2023.

The Autonomous Agro Machines arose as a response to the need of partners Marcello Guimarães and Eduardo Guimarães, to mechanize the planting of African mahogany in the company that are partners and founders Mahogany Roraima. Over the last 6 years, 9 different prototypes have been built or designed until the ongoing construction of the current model patented by both, the Forest.Bot V9R3 (Patent Pending).

Now, we are building the latest model, an agricultural machinery industry with 30 years on the market, we are building the latest model of Forest.Bot (Patent Pending) which will be tested together with Suzano S/A and other companies in the Brazilian forestry sector, in real operating conditions in 2023, and we will put the Forest.Bot (Patent Pending) machine on pre-sale from July/2023, since our patented planting system has 3 years of testing and continuous use planting African mahogany in Roraima.

Some data about this market:

The consolidated market for forestry, reforestation and agriculture is:

The TAM (Total Addressable Market) market for our forestry, reforestation and nursery seedling planting machines (agriculture) is R$715 billion.

The SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market) market for these machines is R$206 billion.

The SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) market is worth R$19 billion.

We use as a parameter for calculations of the SOM market (from 1.8% to 2.8% of the world market), a portion of the total planted area in the world, both in forestry, and an approximate estimate of what reforestation could become. global and nursery seedling agriculture area (MPB sugar cane, açaí́, cocoa, orange, coffeé etc.).

Initially we will sell Forest.Bot (forestry) and then start selling reforestation machines and then machines for planting nursery seedlings. We have not yet carried out a study on the sale of optical irrigation machines, autonomous fertilization, pest control, forest inventory and planting health.

Machine sales and revenue 10 years for the 3 segments:

We will fundamentally use social networks and the internet as a sales channel, since our company is a company characterized as Green Tech (ESG), and, therefore, our public, governmental or private, recognizes the modern nature of this project and easily accepts our presence. in the virtual world.

Our plan to achieve sales goals in 5 and 10 years is to carry out marketing, advertising and journalism actions exclusively through digital channels, with campaigns in favor of reforestation, and publicizing the success of the machines with large corporate clients.

For the expansion and complete structuring of the project in order to reach the global market as a whole, counting on new necessary machinery, raw materials, personnel, general costs, marketing, sales, after-sales, research, etc., we will go to the market to raise approximately R$150 million reais.

The contribution guarantees the structuring of the project and its complete execution worldwide.

Considering that the estimated VPL is R$2.7 billion reais, we can negotiate a stake of up to 10% of the company’s share capital with a contribution of R$150 million reais for this first round of funding.

The urgent need to combat climate change and the difficulty of hiring labor to plant forestry (eucalyptus, pine, etc.) are factors that will contribute to the success of Forest.Bot (Patent Pending) and the machines that we will build using your technology platform. For now, we are able to deliver all the machines that have been consulted for purchase and with successful sales it will be much easier to raise resources to expand our facilities and expand our sales to the international market.

O problema

O plantio de mudas viveiristas (árvores etc.) é lento e caro. Mecanização precária e os processos precisam ser repassados por pessoas, tanto do plantio, quanto do manejo posterior (irrigação, adubação, inventário, análise da sanidade etc.). Não existem controles de qualidade e nem precisão no plantio. Alguns setores da agricultura não possuem soluções mecanizadas e ainda utilizam maquinas muito rudimentares, ou pior, soluções de plantio manual.

A solução

Maquinas inteligentes e autônomas para o plantio de mudas viveiristas (árvores, cana de açúcar MPB, laranja, café, açaí,
abacate etc.), irrigação ótica, adubação ponto a ponto, combate a pragas, inventário do plantio ou floresta, sanidade do plantio ou floresta. Processos de plantio georreferenciados e com controle de qualidade utilizando A.I. Sistemas rápidos e 100% mecanizados.

Autonomous Agro Machines

Maquinas autônomas e inteligentes para a agricultura em geral para o grande e pequeno produtor. Foco na construção de maquinas para:

 – Plantio de mudas viveiristas (florestas e outras culturas); 

– Irrigação ótica inteligente; 

– Adubação inteligente ponto a ponto; 

– Combate a pragas usando A.I.; 

– Inventário da floresta ou plantio; 

 Análise da sanidade da floresta ou plantio.

As origens do projeto

A Autonomous Agro Machines surgiu como resposta a necessidade dos sócios Marcello e Eduardo Guimarães, para a mecanização do plantio de mogno africano da empresa que são sócios e fundadores Mahogany Roraima. Ao longo dos últimos 6 anos, 9 protótipos diferentes foram construídos ou projetados até a construção em andamento do modelo atual patenteado por ambos. Agora, em parceria com a Incomagri, indústria de maquinas agrícolas com 30 anos de mercado, estamos construindo o último modelo que será testado juntamente com a Suzano S/A, maior produtora de celulose do mundo, em condições reais de operação no ano 2023.

Status do projeto

Estamos concluindo os ajustes do projeto no Solid Edge, atualizando a patente, projetando os novos elementos de maquina da Forest.Bot, fazendo cotação e comprando os novos elementos de maquina, que devem ser entregues até fevereiro de 2023. A base motriz será do OverLander da Incomagri. 

Inicio da montagem do bico de plantio: fevereiro/2023.

Finalização da montagem: Julho/2023.

Inicio dos testes da maquina operacional: Agosto/2023.

Patent authors Forest.Bot (Patente Pending).

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Marcello Guimarães

56 years

38 years of experience as a systems programmer, in 1986 he developed his first intelligent system, created Kit 5 (best-selling software in the history of computing in Brazil), wrote 11 books about Kit 5 (all best sellers), created Forest .Bot (Patent Pending), founder of Mahagonny Roraima, iPlantForest, AIquimist, AutoAgroMachines and BCYou.

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Eduardo Guimarães

55 years

created Kit 5 Mobile (first cell phone system generator in the world), creator of the internet systems factory (SAAS system), creator of Bcyou (first live video transmission system from cell phone to internet), co-founder of Mahagonny Roraima, iPlantForest, AIquimist, AutoAgroMachines. Co-creator in partnership with Nicholas Guimarães of the intelligent systems at Forest.Bot (Patent Pending).

Mercado consolidado

O mercado consolidado para silvicultura, reflorestamento e agricultura é de: 

O mercado TAM (Total Addressable Market) para nossas maquinas de plantio de silvicultura, reflorestamento e plantio de mudas viveirista (agricultura) é de R$ 715 bilhões de reais. 

O mercado SAM (Serviceable Addressable Market) para estas maquinas é de R$ 206 bilhões de reais. 

O mercado SOM (Serviceable Obtainable Market) é de R$ 19 bilhões de reais. 

Utilizamos como parâmetro para os cálculos do mercado SOM (de 1,8% a 2,8% do mercado mundial), uma parcela da área total plantada no mundo, tanto de silvicultura, quanto uma estimativa aproximada do que pode vir a ser o reflorestamento global e área de agricultura de mudas viveirista (MPB cana de açúcar, açaí́, cacau, laranja, café e etc.).

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